Saturday, June 16, 2012

With you is where I'd rather be..

But we're stuck where we are, and it's so hard..
The song of the day is Long Distance by Bruno Mars. As you all know, my relationship with Sigurd is long distance. And it's killing me. Honestly. A lot of people ask me if it's hard, and I try to be brave, and say, that it's not as hard as you may think.. You get some time to miss each other, and you can always talk on skype or phone.'s just..not enough. I cry too often, because I can't have him with me. It's tough feeling that someone is your only one..and you only get to see this certain someone once in a while, for three days.. So, it's not as easy as I tend to make it sound. It's the hardest thing I've ever gone through, honestly.
On Monday, we've been together for six months. Half a year. It's been the best time of my life.. But..on that certain day..I cannot be with him, because of this distance. Because of the miles seperating us. Six months is a big deal to me. And it's killing me, that I can't be with him. I wish I could just..move.
Stay strong, we can make it through!

- Chiaki

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