Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The world is coming down on me, and I can't find a reason to be loved..

I never want to leave you, but I can't make you bleed if I'm alone..
It's time for some more confessions.
The song of the day is Arms by Christina Perri. It is a beautiful song, that I heard yesterday, and instantly, it made me think of my boyfriend. How I feel about my boyfriend. You see, I don't feel like I deserve my boyfriend - there, I said it. I don't deserve him. He is so beautiful, wonderful, sweet, thoughtful, smart, and basicly just fantastic..I'm none of those. He deserves a girl, that is just as amazing as he is. I feel like I am dragging him down with me. 
But, well, I'll never ever leave him. I love him, so I cannot do that. Not unless he is happier without me - because all I want for him to be, is happy. He deserves that. I just hope I make him as happy as I want to make him.<3

- Chiaki

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