Thursday, January 12, 2012

To know that you feel the same as I do, is a three fold utopian dream!

You do something to me, that I can't explain.. So would I be out of line, if I said "I miss you"?
The song of the day is I Miss You by Incubus. I love this song, it's so cute! Reminds me of my boyfriend. And the lyrics' a perfect match today..'cause it's been ten days since he went home, and I miss him like crazy.
I'm actually going to see him tomorrow, and stay with him for the entire weekend, so I'm not sure if I'll get to blog again before Sunday.
Anyways..I miss him. A lot. Like..really, a lot. Too much.
I miss the electric feeling I get when his lips meet mine, the warmth I feel when he's holding me in his arms, and the breathtaking beauty I see whenever I look at him. The way he brings butterflies up inside me, whenever he says he loves me, and I know, that he's not lying..
I miss everything about him. Tomorrow, I will finally get to hold him close again. And I just can't wait.<3

- Chiaki

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