Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Now it's up for her to fight it, all alone, and undecided..

Sick but pretty, sad but thin..just a little more, and she'll get his attention!
(In the next couple of entrys, I'll try to do some confession on what I feel, and it might get a bit emo - I'm sorry about that. It's just an advice I got from a friend, and I thought I'd do what he told me to, since his advices usually helps me a lot...)
The song of the day is Sick But Pretty by So Next Week...
Lately I've been having a weird feeling of being 'imperfect'. I've had real low self-esteem.. I still have. But today, I remembered this song, that was once my favorite song, and I listened to it..and it helped a bit. Just a bit, but it was still a lot for me. For once in a long time, I actually felt some hope, that I might just feel beautiful one day. 
I don't know if there is any of you, that has the same huge longing after being perfect? And every time someone points out your flaws, you break down inside, because all you want to, is be beautiful, like all of the people that surrounds you? Well, if you do feel that way, then you know how I feel as well. 
Whenever I look around, I see beautiful people. The girls in my class are gorgeous, my friends are gorgeous, the people in my family are gorgeous, my boyfriend is gorgeous.. Everyone..gorgeous. And then there's me. I stand in front of the mirror, and I hate what I see. My lopsided lips, my cracked nose, those stupid eyes that cannot see without glasses, my thin hair..everything is ugly to me.. 
Whenever someone tells me I'm beautiful, I cannot believe it. It just passes me by, because I can't see it..at all. 
Those are all of the confessions I have for now. I'll see if I can get anything else out tomorrow. But right now, that's all. If there's anyone out there, like me; hang on.. One day you'll realize how beautiful you are.

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