Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I've had my wakeup, won't you wake up?

I keep asking why..
The song of the day is Slipped Away by Avril Lavigne.
I've had a pretty weird, rough, and bad day. Usually, after such a day, I would come home, and send my best friend a message. I would tell him what happened, and he'd understand, and comfort me. Tell me all the right things. Then he died. 
I haven't had a really shitty day for a long time now..but today was just it. And it made me miss him way too much..made me think of the good times, our long conversations, his way of making me happy even when I was more down than ever. The way he always knew what to say, he always had something smart to say. A beautiful quote that would fit, or some theory about how all humans are able to be happy if they want to. I miss the way I always knew he loved me, even though he rarely told me straight out.
I just miss him.. 
I hope you're better now, whereever you are, Max..

- Chiaki

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