Friday, January 27, 2012

I've been to hell, I've been to Vegas and god-knows-where..

But nothing feels like home, like you babe.. I love you more than you will ever know!
The song of the day is Iloveyoumorethanyouwilleverknow by NeverShoutNever. I'm dedicating this song to my incredible boyfriend, whom means the world to me, and I hope to see next weekend.<3
Tomorrow I will be going to see my new school, that I'll be starting at in August. So exciting! My dad's going as well, which really means a lot to me, honestly. Normally, he's too busy to do that kind of stuff, and this is important to me, so I'm glad he takes the time to be there.
The bad thing is; I'm sick. I can barely stand up without feeling like I'm about to throw up.. I hope I'll be feeling a lot better tomorrow, lol! 
Wish me good luck.

- Chiaki

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