Thursday, January 19, 2012

Fear of the dark, I have constant fear that something's always near..

Fear of the dark, fear of the dark! I have a phobia that someone's always there..
It's time for some confessions again.
The song of the day is Fear Of The Dark by Iron Maiden. Fuck yea, great band, great song, great everything! But that's not why I chose it. I chose it because I am indeed scared of, that someone is watching me.. It's not exactly the dark that I'm afraid of; more the things that can hide in it. Lets just get to the point: I am very, very, very paranoid. I have a constant feeling that someone is looking at me all the time.. It's freaks me out, but I've learned to live with it by now, lol..
I don't have much to say about this confession, least, not more than I've already told you by now.

- Chiaki

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