I had once written a very long thingy about myself here. I'll try to do it again now, and make it a bit more personal. I guess. I actually worked this out with a guide of how to build up a fictional character. No, I am not a fictional character, but I do love writing biographys for movie-charaters..so, yeah. Let me start out with saying, that I was born in the summer of '96. You do the math. My name is Marie Lund Trappehave, but most people call me Chiaki. I love all kinds of music, movies and books, as well as I love both singing and playing music, making movies and acting, and writing poetry. Basically, I love everything that life has to offer me. What I want to do with my life..hm..I want to make movies. Be a director, you know. Or maybe an actress in a theater, and do big plays and stuff. Or run a theater! Or be a translator, lol, completely out of line.

- Being alive today.
• What is your idea of perfect happiness?
- I don't believe in anything 'perfect', really. Life has to have ups and downs. But living by making movies is my ideal future.
• What is your current state of mind?
- I am more happy than ever.
• What is your favorite occupation?
- Acting, or directing movies.
• What is your most treasured possession?
- A diamond ring that a dead friend of mine encouraged me to buy. I always keep it in a chain around my neck, close to my heart.
• What or who is the greatest love of your life?
- Movies, definitly.
• What is your favorite journey?
- The times I've been to Egypt has been amazing! But I would also love to go to China, I love their culture and language, and is currently learning mandarin.
• What is your most marked characteristic?
- I guess it's my sad eyes, it's what people usually comment the most, or my big glasses.
• When and where were you the happiest?
- I don't know, honestly. I remember a big rush of relief from being told that my depression was ending, but I don't think it was the happiest. The times I've been called perfect, maybe?
• What is it that you most dislike?
- Respectless people.
• What is your greatest fear?
- That is a secret.
• What is your greatest extravagance?
- I think that sometimes, I brag a little bit too much about my brains and my iQ, and I tend to look down on people that are not as smart as myself.
• Which living person do you most despise?
- .. That is definitly a hard question, because I don't really despise anyone. But I have an ex boyfriend that I really, really, really don't like.
• What is your greatest regret?
- That I kept on giving my first boyfriend chances, even though I died inside, because he treated me so badly. He ruined my faith in people.
• Which talent would you most like to have?
- I would like to be more charismatic, but I think I have all the talents I want right now.
• Where would you like to live?
- Definitly London, I'm in love with that city.
• What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
- Suicidal attempt - I've been there, and it's the hardest thing you can go through..it changes you forever, either for better or worse.
• What is the quality you most like in a man?
- Intelligence.
• What is the quality you most like in a woman?
- Honesty.
• What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
- I'm not really the let-people-in-and-talk kind of person, that's kind of sad.
• What is the trait you most deplore in others?
- Insecurity, I think everyone is beautiful in their own way.
• What do you most value in your friends?
- Their honesty, and the fact that I can rely on them.
• Who is your favorite hero of fiction?
- Spiderman, I've always loved Spiderman.
• Whose are your heroes in real life?
- Max, Jason and Lasse are probably my biggest heroes.
• Which living person do you most admire?
- I really admire Tim Minchin deeply.
• What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
- I'm probably extremely ambivalent right now, but, confidence. You can be amazing even though you are insecure.
• On what occasions do you lie?
- When I feel like it's necessary.
• Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
- 'Wow' I think.
• If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
- I promised myself to answer every question..but this, I can't, really. I love myself, and I'm satisfied with who I am. I mean, sometimes I do think 'I wish I could just be like the other girls, and fit in', but no..I like who I am. I worked so hard on becoming this person - I wouldn't change a thing.
• What are your favorite names?
- I like the names Philip, Elias, and William when it comes to boys, and I like Isolde, Tallulah and Celeste when it comes to girls.
• How would you like to die?
- This might sound insane, but I'd like to throw myself off a bridge, or into a waterfall, to feel a final rush just before I die.
• If you were to die and come back as a person or thing, what do you think it would be?
- I actually do believe I will come back, since I believe in Buddhism.. Hopefully, it'll be something good.
• What is your motto?
- "Life is a garden - dig it" quote Joe Dirt.
- I am more happy than ever.
• What is your favorite occupation?
- Acting, or directing movies.
• What is your most treasured possession?
- A diamond ring that a dead friend of mine encouraged me to buy. I always keep it in a chain around my neck, close to my heart.
• What or who is the greatest love of your life?
- Movies, definitly.
• What is your favorite journey?
- The times I've been to Egypt has been amazing! But I would also love to go to China, I love their culture and language, and is currently learning mandarin.
• What is your most marked characteristic?
- I guess it's my sad eyes, it's what people usually comment the most, or my big glasses.
• When and where were you the happiest?
- I don't know, honestly. I remember a big rush of relief from being told that my depression was ending, but I don't think it was the happiest. The times I've been called perfect, maybe?
• What is it that you most dislike?
- Respectless people.
- That is a secret.
• What is your greatest extravagance?
- I think that sometimes, I brag a little bit too much about my brains and my iQ, and I tend to look down on people that are not as smart as myself.
• Which living person do you most despise?
- .. That is definitly a hard question, because I don't really despise anyone. But I have an ex boyfriend that I really, really, really don't like.
• What is your greatest regret?
- That I kept on giving my first boyfriend chances, even though I died inside, because he treated me so badly. He ruined my faith in people.
• Which talent would you most like to have?
- I would like to be more charismatic, but I think I have all the talents I want right now.
• Where would you like to live?
- Definitly London, I'm in love with that city.
• What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
- Suicidal attempt - I've been there, and it's the hardest thing you can go through..it changes you forever, either for better or worse.
• What is the quality you most like in a man?
- Intelligence.
• What is the quality you most like in a woman?
- Honesty.
• What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
- I'm not really the let-people-in-and-talk kind of person, that's kind of sad.
• What is the trait you most deplore in others?
- Insecurity, I think everyone is beautiful in their own way.
• What do you most value in your friends?
- Their honesty, and the fact that I can rely on them.
• Who is your favorite hero of fiction?
- Spiderman, I've always loved Spiderman.
• Whose are your heroes in real life?
- Max, Jason and Lasse are probably my biggest heroes.
• Which living person do you most admire?
- I really admire Tim Minchin deeply.
• What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
- I'm probably extremely ambivalent right now, but, confidence. You can be amazing even though you are insecure.
• On what occasions do you lie?
- When I feel like it's necessary.
• Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
- 'Wow' I think.
• If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
- I promised myself to answer every question..but this, I can't, really. I love myself, and I'm satisfied with who I am. I mean, sometimes I do think 'I wish I could just be like the other girls, and fit in', but no..I like who I am. I worked so hard on becoming this person - I wouldn't change a thing.
• What are your favorite names?
- I like the names Philip, Elias, and William when it comes to boys, and I like Isolde, Tallulah and Celeste when it comes to girls.
• How would you like to die?
- This might sound insane, but I'd like to throw myself off a bridge, or into a waterfall, to feel a final rush just before I die.
• If you were to die and come back as a person or thing, what do you think it would be?
- I actually do believe I will come back, since I believe in Buddhism.. Hopefully, it'll be something good.
• What is your motto?
- "Life is a garden - dig it" quote Joe Dirt.