Saturday, August 11, 2012

I hate to say I told you so..

But I just thought I'd let you know!
The song of the day is Some Days by The Maine. It really is an apology. I haven't been updating at all, lately, but I just haven't felt like it, because I've been super busy, and I've had way too much on my mind. There's been lots of speculations about Sigurd, and starting up in a new school, and such. It's been rough.
But, well, Sigurd and I got it all figured out now, I think. And the new school is great. I mean, I was so nervous that people wouldn't talk to me, and I'd be freaking out, but it's actually fine.. We're all a bit quiet now, but my classmates seems rather friendly, and that's a good sign, definitly. I really like that, and all the new things are super exciting. I honestly can't wait to really get started. 
I'll try to blog a bit more, but I still have a lot of things to get used to and into right now. But I'll try, I promise. Stay strong, guys.

- Chiaki

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