Friday, August 3, 2012

Just sunshine and blue skies..

Is this all we get, for living here?
The song of the day is Still Alive by Lisa Miskovsky. First of all...I want to apologize for not writing any entrys for the last week. But my life has been..a complete mess. So many strange things has happened, I haven't been able to truly understand anything. I haven't really had any time to think. 
As you all know, I slept at my ex boyfriend's house, at his couch, because I was drunk, and didn't want my parents to come get me, because it was really late. And because I thought we were friends again, as he said this to me, at the party we were both at. Next morning, he was ice cold and kicked me out. And, well, same evening, my boyfriend came home. I told him about it and such, and he understood, and said he trusted me. The next day, Thursday, I went to Århus to be with him.. My boyfriend lives out of Århus, and to get there, I have to take a bus, and then get picked up at the endstation, to get to his house. And for the first time, I took the hourlong busdrive by myself, as my boyfriend was tired and didn't want to go all the way to Århus to follow me back to his place, as he usually does. That was a big deal to me. A really big deal.
Anyway, so we were together again after 17 days of seperation, and I was so happy..but I could tell there was something wrong. My ex whom I stayed at for the night also send old naked picutres of me to Sigurd, telling me he had slept with me and such. Sigurd believed me, when I told him, that honestly, my ex just can't stop messing with my life. The next day, we went to the cinema to watch The Amazing Spiderman, and we got in a fight about wether it was a new story, or the exact same as the first movie. We fought the entire way home, and at home...and then I tried to get Sigurd to tell me what was wrong, why he wasn't happy. And.. Well, he told me he stopped loving me. And I broke to pieces. I just..broke. During the time he has spend in France, I have realized how much I love him. How I cannot live without him. 
Well, we talked about it. All night. And went to bed around 4 A.M. And started talking as soon as we woke up, and talked the entire day...and eventually, when I gave up and wanted to pack my stuff and leave..he didn't want me to..because he would miss me, and feel empty if I left.. He couldn't stand the thought of never seeing me ever again, never talking to me, holding me tight, or kissing me again. And he realized he loves me, and always have. 
That was quite 0fiodkcdsc+om. Yup. So it took some time to..get over it, so to speak. But now we're happy again. At least I hope so.

- Chiaki

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