Wednesday, February 8, 2012

It's like I'm paranoid, lookin' over my back..

It's like a whirlwind inside of my head!

The song of the day is Papercut by Linkin Park. Mainly because I love it, and because I've made a music video for it. Here's the description:

First of all; this is a musicvideo for Papercut by Linkin Park, that I made for a project in school. I was in group with a boy named Patrick, and we decided that we'd love to make a project about schizophrenia, because we were very fascinated of it. After reading about it, and afterwards writing all we've readen down, we made a script for this video. At last - well, today - we made the video. We spent the entire morning filming, and I spent about an hour on putting it together. So it was nothing big, really. But I liked the outcome anyway. 
It is of course about a girl who suffers from paranoid shizophrenia. She is hallucinating, and seeing a boy, that is "stalking her". What is real and what is not is up for yourself to decide, lol. I can tell you, that there are clues, that'll tell you wether she actually dies, or not. Now, do you dare to think about it?
Hope you'll enjoy!
Disclaimer: I do not own the music! It belongs entirely to Linkin Park!

Please tell me what you think, and if something could be done better - but be nice, I'm not professional, lol. 

- Chiaki

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