Thursday, December 1, 2011

I've been gone for a while, been traveling alone..

Searching for a new life, when I already had my own..
The song of the day is Every Road by The Maine, simply because I love this song. It also fits my situation right now. I feel like I'm on my way home, after a long time, where I've been away. Like, I've been so depressed and stuff..for ages now. Since October, I guess. Now, I'm finally about to be really happy again, and be there for my friends, and live my life again - on my way back home.
Today's the day I realized this. That I'm actually getting happy, slowly. My broken heart is being fixed, as well as my lost pride is being found. It's amazing, that you can walk around for months, completely lost, thinking nobody is there for you...and one day, you just see, how much your friends actually has helped you. It's just simply awesome. Now I need to do them, and myself, a favor, and find the last road that leads back home.

- Chiaki

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